



We bear the flag of pride as we announce the arrival of our annual fest, ‘Symfiesta,’ which we have cradled since 2014. For years, we have been intertwining this event with camaraderie, joy, sheer passion, and vitality. Not a year passed since we couldn’t join the thrill of the stage and mic.


With no augury, we began adding lights to our campus. The colors of the lights as they occupy the hollows every year differed, each one filled with a distinct emotion.We stood before the main gate of our campus which once was a recluse-open to a few.But now the bands and the costumes enter through with a vibrant and zealous corridors.No day to having the calendars marked not just for a few small occasions but a  series of festivals to celebrate the attempt to add memories.There is not just happy, merry music around us but also intense nostalgia of building this festival to thousands.

We focused not just on haphazard trails but also on guidance we drove on highways to invite the art junkies. With the world eyeing us as the new born ten years ago to us being adorned by even the locals.We came a long way finding ourselves throughout this trail. This journey is of  xuberance, safar-ae-dastoor, the 10th edition of our Symfiesta.